Ever since I completed the Disneyland Half marathon and came out with some injuries, I am happy to report I have signed up for my second Half. It will be the " A Run Through Redlands" the very first race I ran last year (the 5k). I have spent the last almost five months recuperating my knees with Physical Therapy, stretching, and slow and steady building up my mileage again. I did 10 miles today and I feel great! It has been a while since I have been able to log 20 plus mile in a week. My official training starts next week and I hope all goes well because come December I am going for 26.2 miles in Las Vegas!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
5 Months in the Making...
Posted by Thrift Store Amore at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
This morning I am attempting to make Menudo. I haven't had it in a while and I have been trying to venture out from my same old menu that I go by every week. The husband is very excited to try it. He wanted to know what was in it and I said "you might not want to know ":). The lady at the meat counter gave me a grossed out look when I told her I needed a pound of beef tripe. She asked "what are you cooking with that"! I told her Menudo! she looked horrified, what people don't eat menudo anymore with the meat!! It brings back good memories when I was a youngin when making Menudo was an all day event kinda like making tamales. Well its in the crock pot and hopefully it turns out yummy else the husband might not trust me to cook anymore...haha!
Posted by Thrift Store Amore at 7:59 AM 1 comments