Thursday, November 29, 2007

Holiday Favorites

At this time of year I have a line up of movies that I have to watch. It doesn't seem like the holidays with out them. I have watched two so far, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and A Charlie Brown Christmas. These movies always put me in a good mood. What are your holiday movie favorites?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Memories of a Lifetime

A few months ago I bought these really great books by Anna Cobra. They are books with images you can cut right from the pages or download them onto your computer. The book comes with the CD. I have the Alphabets & Ornaments one and Romantic Illustrations. The images are beautiful. Its great for digital scrap booking or printing a pic and using it on a gift. Here is a sample. Its all copywrite free

Monday, November 26, 2007

Cone Head

So since I just whipped one up last night, I decided that I would see what I can do with these cones and try and sell them at my moms work. They would be great for putting a little gift in, a gift with in a gift. Like cookies in cellophane with a nice little ribbon inside, a gift card inside one, earrings...etc
I like to look at them as little stockings to stuff things in :)

On a Whim

My sister came over so we could take our mom to dinner for her birthday. Happy 50Th Mom :) and she decided to stay for a bit and we crafted some adorable Christmas trees with crepe paper, glitter, buttons, beads and pipe cleaners. I think they came out great. I also wanted to try out the paper cone thing I see around all these blogs, I used a birthday hat as my template, not bad eh :) I want to make more now!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Give Thanks

I want to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. I want to give thanks to all my family, and friends. I am very grateful to have such a supportive man in my life, and I don't know where I would be without him and my family.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Cup Cakes!

So we celebrated my niece's b-day on Saturday 11/17 her very 1st :) and it was cupcake themed. I volunteered to make the cupcakes since I LOVE to bake. The party colors were pink and purple. I think they came out pretty good, I bought some little cookie cutters and topped off the cupcakes with heart shaped sugar cookies. I thought I would document my adventure of baking them. Oh and I got this really great Hamilton Beach mixer at the thrift store months ago (I forgot I even had it) so I dug it out and it works great, and I got it only for $3 dollars!! THREE DOLLARS. I really want a red Kitchen Aid mixer, but hey you can't beat three bucks compared to three hundred bucks for the Kitchen Aid.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Finds

I found some good stuff today at the thrift store. I found some great vintage contact paper, look at the retro pink flowers, and I love the blue with the specks of gold paper, look at the scalloped edge. I have no idea of what to do with it yet but I knew I had to get it. I also came across these cute silver plastic bells, a pack of 10 little Christmas carol part favors ( I think they will be cute on some Christmas cupcakes)and last but not least these adorable cocktail napkins. A few days back I found this adorable Duncan Plaster wall hanging, I just love the pink and gold.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Think Pink

I found some great stuff at the thrift store (where else right) First is some really great pink and crystal beaded garland. I just love the color and was inspired to do a Christmas tree in my sewing room with pink accents. I want to get a small white table top tree, so I can decorate it with my pink finds, like the beautiful beaded garland,pink tinsel garland, some soft pink bulbs, and my bright pink bobbles. I also found these adorable lolly pop ornaments at wal*mart, arnt they delicious, I need a few more but they were all out when I went back :(
Growing up my mom would always think of a new theme each year for our Christmas tree. I am a person who holds onto traditions. What your Christmas traditions?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

X-Mas Finds

I found this adorable Santa and Ms.Santa for .99 cents! I also found these adorable angels for $1.99 each and they both work!, and the lights blink.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Gift Box

Here are some pics of my gift to my sister Adriana. I gave it to her on Sunday. So now I can post some pics of how I made it. I put some fabric, vintage notions, made her a pin cushion, a crown key chain, and a little glitter house, and some vintage bobbles.I really like how it came out, I figure she can use this box to put some of her wedding keepsakes in it. I think the best gifts are the home made kind.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Dia De Los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos is celebrated throughout Mexico and the Southwest states, and coincides with the Christian All Souls and All Saints Days. On November 1st and 2ND people remember those who are deceased. November 1st is considered the Dia de los Angelitos—the day to remember children that have died, November 2ND is the traditional Dia de los Muertos (day of the dead). Pictures of the deceased are placed on Dia de los Muertos altars with their favorite food and drink. Candles to light their way home, and soap and water to freshen-up after their long trip back are also often placed on altars. Trinkets they were fond of, symbols they would understand, and gifts are left to communicate to them that they are always in the hearts of those they left behind, and that they are still part of the family even though they are not physically with us any longer.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November Birthdays

Happy first day of November!! My Family has three birthdays this month. Adriana on November 8Th, she is turning 29!! Next is my niece Mia November 16Th, she is turning 1!!! and last but not least My Mommy November 25Th,the BIG 50!! And soon I will be celebrating a fourth, my sister in law will have her baby girl Isabel by c-section on November 5Th. It is going to be a busy month this year and every November!! So I want to wish all these special gals of mine a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I LOVE YOU!!!