Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Got Paper?

So my sister asked me to think of some ideas for her bedroom which she is decorating in a shabby chic/romantic theme. I was browsing the web and came across some really cute and whimsical ideas for her bedroom. With an enormous variety of beautiful and unique paper out there to choose from why not use it as a decoration in your home. It shouldn't be limited to just celebrations ( parties ect.) I think with a variety of graphic papers in her colors this mobile like thingy would look cute over her side table, or this cute banner above her bed with a cute saying like sweet dreams, and who doesn't love these tissue pom poms, they would look great over a bed in various sizes to act as kind of a chandelier. These are just some ideas but a bedroom shouldn't be too serious, it should be a room that you enjoy looking at and hanging out in.


Adriana said...

Love that paper chandalier. And those banners..why didnt I think Of that. Sweet Dreams would be so precious. I have these chip board letters in glitter aqua and silver and have been looking for things to do with them. Thanks for the ideas. You mentioned shelving when we talked....u think like staggering floating shelves?